Monday, July 24, 2006

The Kids in the Neighborhood

Okay, so this may top the list of coolest things ever!

The first week I was on staff at 'roads I noticed that I really missed being “in ministry”. At my old work place, among so many nonbelievers with really crazy lives, I felt that I had a lot of counseling to offer, and a light to shine. While it feels great to be working inside the light now, I missed those opportunities to share the love of Jesus with my coworkers.

That first Friday (my day off) I felt led to go outside and play with the kids in the neighborhood. I had finished everything I wanted to do, and was kinda board. I took some tennis rackets, and we played for about an hour. They loved it. I felt a gentle nudge from God … “this should be your ministry”. Wow. Just the thought of talking to my neighbors (the adults) about Jesus seemed daunting.

Little did I know that God would bring them to me directly. The next Monday I was getting out of my car and the neighbor across the street yelled, “Hey Rachel, I want to talk to you.” Karen, who is one of the kid's moms (Johnathan -- he is in first grade) met me on the sidewalk and started the conversation by saying, “hey, do you go to that church down the street?” We talked for 25 minutes about Jesus in my front yard. I didn't have to do anything -- she came to me asking ME questions.

I played with the kids the next two Fridays, and this Saturday, too. Jonathan (1st Grade) and Anthony (7th Grade) and Krislynn (Anthony's little sister in the 5th Grade). They had a great day of tennis and football in the cul-de-sac, and when I said I had to go, they asked where I was going. I told them I was going to church. They lit up immediately. I asked if the three of them wanted to come. YES … and immediate response. So, I had to face my fear, and go to their parents to ask permission. They said yes, and we were off. I loaded up the kids in my car. All three of them had been playing outside in the sun. They were dirty, stinky, and super excited.

From the moment the kids stepped into the building their eyes filled with wonder, their hearts filled with joy. Jonathan said, "This is like Christmas -- that's the only time we go to church!" They got to have juice (that they don’t get at home). And we checked in.

I took Johnathan to the 1st grade room. I prayed one of those anxious crazy prayers on the way up the elevator ("Please let their be SOMEONE I know in the room, please"). And there was ... none other than one of the coolest volunteers EVER Chris M. She hugged Johnathan, and welcomed him into the room. SWEET!

After we dropped Jonathan off, Anthony and Krislynn were excited to see AREA 56. And, of course they loved it. I have never seen Anthony smile so much, or volunteer to answer questions. He was even making up games for the other kids to play, and leading the games. And, of course, Krislynn loved the experience. It was truly amazing to see them come alive in that room. Especially since Krislynn had just told me that she didn’t have any happy times in her life. She gets made fun of at school, and her mom ignores her and yells at her (and hits her). They’ve been in foster care before, and just have hard lives.

It was everything I could have hoped for.

After the service was over we picked up Johnathan in his room. The volunteers there said he was great. He got to slide down the slide from the 2nd to the 1st floor, and we got drinks in the atrium. As we were walking across the atrium Johnathan said, "I saw a man riding a scooter!" I told him that was my friend Gill, and asked if he would like to meet Gill. He got very excited. We found Gill who offered Johnathan a RIDE on the scooter. They made a circle around the atrium. As they finished the loop I turned to see Johnathan with his hand flying in the air in a lasso motion. He was laughing very loud. He got off the scooter and said, "Did you see me? I was going 100 miles per hour!!!!"

On the way home I asked them their favorite part of the night. Anthony said, “EVERYTHING”. Johnathan said, "The scooter ride with Gill." Krislynn just pointed to her first Bible that she was clutching in her arms.

Yesterday afternoon I stepped outside and heard Anthony telling one of the neighbor kids that didn’t go, “ ... and they have this COOL room called AREA 56, and when you are old enough, you can go in there … “ I looked over and Krislynn was reading her Bible. She called me over to read with her. She was looking up in the index all of the versus about being poor, and people treating you badly.

Today when I came home for lunch I sat down and two minutes later there was a knock at the door. Krislynn, "Did you just come from church?" I told her that I did, but that I was just home for lunch for a few minutes, then I'd have to go back. She begged me to take her back with me. It was the sweetest plea I've ever heard. I told her that there are only 5 more days until Saturday, and she could go back then. She was PUMPED ...


Anonymous said...

wow. this is awesome rachel. Thanks so much for sharing it. wow!

Anonymous said...

super cool. I am so excited to see what happens in these kids' lives. . . . Fabulous post. You rock.

Anonymous said...

That post seems almost too good to be true... miraculous!!! Is it a sin that I'm jealous of how great your situation?