Sunday, September 17, 2006

What's Up Doc?

We spent most of the weekend with our favorite crazy doctors ... DrJeff and DrLiz.

Friday night was Dr.Liz's birthday celebration on the deck that AP built on the back of their house a few summers ago. Everyone loves that deck.

Here is Dr.Liz cuddling with Henri the pooch (most Standard Poodles are not good lap dogs, but Dr.Liz and I like to force Henri to be one).
This is me and Dr.Liz and Dr.Jeff's sis cuddling on the hammock:

Saturday Dr.Liz, Amo, Dr.Jeff, Jenn, and Dr.Jeff's sisters all walked with me in the AIDs walk. 5 miles ... that's right, not 5K, 5 miles! Oh, and Riley and Henri did the walk, too. They only got in one fight with two other dogs, and Riley got mud on Amo's pants, other than that he was very well behaved. He could have done another one when it was all over. I took Chipotle #62 to AP at the showroom, where he worked all day. Then, I fell asleep for a few hours.

Saturday night the 2s room was shorthanded at church, so I played with lots of tots ... my only mistake: calling twin girls the other one's name the entire time. Oops ... they must have traded name tags!

After Sunday morning church Dr.Jeff thought it would be funny to try on my helmet. Very funny. He got lots of compliments standing around in the atrium.
This afternoon we watched the Bengals game, followed by some wakeboarding action with Dr.Jeff and Dr.Liz, AP, Krissy, and PO ... very fun for all. Including when AP drove the boat by the stadium as the Bengals game was ending. I am so surprised we didn't end up with a few intoxicated fans in the boat (while it was on the trailer). WHO DEY!

We followed boating up with Chipotle #63 ... and time with Amo and Jenn. They recapped their fun day at the island of kings on rollercoasters, and the Drs grossed them out with medical stories.

All in all ... a fantastic weekend ...


Jenn said...

RACHEL! I tried to post on this during the week and Blogger didn't let me. Phooey.

BUT! I saw you on the news last night!!! You go girl. You were playing ball with a kid and another adult with a parachute-type thingy. That event sounds fantastic.

Unknown said...

hey jenn ... blogger made me update my account and I have been having trouble posting since then, too -- stink!

I did happen to catch the news clip ... the playing with the kids was staged on that particular day, but still fun!