Well, we woke up this morning in Dubai at 2AM we headed to the airport. We got to Johannesburg at 10:30AM local time. AP and I watched Blades of Glory on the flight -- greatness! It was approximately 35*F when we got off the plane -- definitely a change from the 110* we were sweating in Dubai yesterday.

At baggage claim we had the worst moment of the trip so far when Andrew realized that his wallet was missing. Sure that it was gone forever, he pleaded with a security worker to go look for it on the plane. When she left we planned out calling all of the card companies, etc. To our surprise -- she came back with the wallet in hand!!! She did say something we couldn't understand about carpet. AP hugged that sweet lady, and we were off. AP was so excited about the wallet reunion that he walked right through customs -- no one stopped him to see the 200 pairs of gardening gloves in his suitcase, so that was great. Shadrack from Charity and Faith picked us up in the church bus -- and we were on our way! We did stop at Nandos -- a local chicken joint famous for their hot Peri Peri sauce. I tried the "extra hot" and got a literal blister on my tongue. YIKES!
We got the call on the way to Charity and Faith that the container with all of our supplies was delivered at noon -- big cause for celebration there! We were pumped! Every thing was there and we spent the rest of the afternoon reuniting with our Charity and Faith friends, and unloading the container. My favorite reunion was with Pastor Gladys -- who screamed and screamed and would not stop hugging me. I love her!

We took all of these funny pictures for the 275 people who are about to leave to come meet us (they are having a meeting tonight). Generally, they were funny reminders for them.

After finishing up at Charity and Faith we took a big step forward in our relationship with Pastor Titus. He let us drive the church bus to our hotel. And who do you think volunteered to drive a backwards stick shift in South Africa on the wrong side of the road? Oh yes -- AP the man who loves to drive strange vehicles -- and can with surprising confidence and ease. He got us to the hotel no problem.
Speaking of, it's 10:30 here, and I haven't gotten a full night's sleep in several days -- I'm off to bed. Lots of pre-planning to do tomorrow!
Thanks for the updates. I love to read about your adventures. I hope you get some good rest. nice pictures.
Rachel-- Remember me? ;) I'm loving your posts. Keep 'em coming! You're in my thoughts and I know you're going to be changing lives (including your own).
Hey friends. We did get good rest, and had a great day today! The madness is about to start when 250 peeps get here tomorrow!
Is the Charity and Faith church bus a new thing? I do NOT remember a church bus last year. Way cool.
You guys should do something nice (not sure what) for the two weekers when they get there. They are going to be DEAD from spending so many hours at JFK before ever boarding the 18+ hour flight....
Of course AP drove the African bus. I would have been surprised if you said differently. Oh man, we miss the crap out of you, and it's only the beginning! booo. Love the signs for the CR folks. It will break the stress/tension. So cute. Stay safe, duders.
Hi Rascal!
Loved Loved Loved your face on the dune hopping! Hey, your tonsils look great!
Thank you for the great updates. Praying for you and AP always. Praying for your mission, your 250 closest friends and the S.A. friends you serve.
Rachel- Thanks for the updates. We miss you here but see that you are havign fun and seeing progress. I miss South African Sam's! Hug all our little friends for me! Okay, the big ones too. Keep the updates coming. Dave Little and I are jealous of the dunes and camel experiences.
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