Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Word About This Blog

Soon, this blog will be totally different and really fun. I settled on a design concept today (that clock above is part of it), and I have been writing content daily. So, when I relaunch you can look forward to new stuff showing up frequently.

There will be some personal stuff, as well as really fun stories, as well as information about kids that you'll want to know if you ever encounter kids. I'm talking about trips around the world, freedom, families, puke, and great moments. You'll hear follow up stories on those adorable Ukrainian orphans who aren't orphans anymore. You'll hear stories about kids who are gathering hundreds of friends to pray for other kids. You'll hear the story of my husband who is starting down the path of a difficult rescue mission. You'll hear about ways you can quite literally change the world.

It's gonna be bonkers, and you are invited to join in. Be patient people -- change is coming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea! Bring it!
