Monday, June 15, 2009


Last week the Biddy started screaming in the night. This kid who has slept for 12 hours since she was a month old woke up in fits of screaming. I look at her and think, "it's her stomach for sure." 2AM, 3AM, 4AM more screaming. Finally she falls asleep on AP's chest. The cycle continues the next morning. This is not my kid's normal behavior.

We take her to Cincinnati Childrens'. 5 xrays, blood tests, IVs and ultrasounds later they confirm, yes, it is her intestines. Good thing we took her in. She was totally dehydrated and in a lot of pain.

The lesson for me here is that no one knows my kid like I do. She's intrusted to me and I have knowledge that other people don't. Going forward that gives me a great deal of confidence. I know who that kid is, and can encourage her like no one else can (well, maybe her daddy).

1 comment:

Calley said...

Well said. You always know best! SO glad she's back to her dancing, snapping, entertaining self. We love Cana!