Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Building a House

We loved our old house, but it became apparent in February (when AP accepted a new position at work) that we would move to a different part of town. We started talking about selling the house that we loved. It didn't take long for friends to snatch it up for their very own. We couldn't be happier. So, in March our first house became Ben and Grace's first house.

In April we purchased a house on a one acre lot, in the middle of 250 acres of woods to explore, with a lake to swim in. In short, it is our dream location. We've moved to a rental house just a mile away and are enjoying nightly swims in the lake as a family during the hot summer days.

Here are some pictures of the house that we will be tearing down to build a new house for our family. We're working with a great friend as the architect, and the process has been fun so far. We're waiting on some final permits, then demolition and foundation work will begin.

The front:

The back:
View from our future kitchen windows:

I've loved making house decisions with AP. It's an exciting project to work on together.

1 comment:

Lindsey Potzick said...

Rachel, your new 'location' is gorgeous! Woods and a lake? Your right it couldn't be more perfect. Have fun, be safe, and be blessed in your new home!