Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The DC Series

No, I'm not suddenly in the business of writing Comic Books. Yes, I have been strangely absent for over a week, and yes -- I have a renewed passion for writing Shine On.

Recently Amo, Paul, AP and I traveled to DC to see the sights, visit my big brother, and to pay homage to our country's capital. Mostly, I went to take funny pictures, and take them I did. Between the two of us Amo and I took more funny pictures than most people take in a year. It helps that we are both quite funny naturally. So, as part one of the DC series I would like to introduce some pictures of our trip. Here are the three pictures that I envisioned for weeks before actually traveling to DC. Fun with the Washington Monument and the Capitol.

Amo and Paul Push Over the Monument:

AP leaning aginst the Washington Monument:

That's right, that's me, holding the capitol in the palm of my hand.
Classic tourist photos ... I love it! Can you have more fun than that? I'll give you more about our trip in pieces. If you saw all of our photojounalistic wonders at once it would stun you.

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