Oh boy! I didn't know you were blogging again! Yahoo! You are an amazing, amazing writer! It is a blessing of fun, funny, interest and intrigue that you are back at it. yay!
Can I tell you how much we love swimming at this lake? Can I tell you? It is beautiful for us. Last time Kate said, "Mommy and Daddy, thank you so much for taking me to Cana's house!" We asked her what her favorite part was and of course she said "Swimming in the Lake with Cana!" I almost cried. I feel the same way!!
I treasure you and your family and our friendship!
1 comment:
Oh boy! I didn't know you were blogging again! Yahoo! You are an amazing, amazing writer! It is a blessing of fun, funny, interest and intrigue that you are back at it. yay!
Can I tell you how much we love swimming at this lake? Can I tell you? It is beautiful for us. Last time Kate said, "Mommy and Daddy, thank you so much for taking me to Cana's house!" We asked her what her favorite part was and of course she said "Swimming in the Lake with Cana!" I almost cried. I feel the same way!!
I treasure you and your family and our friendship!
Can't wait to keep reading.
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